The Big Home Improvement Projects Must Be First, Not Last

Priorities: they are always difficult to work out, and once you’ve got them all together it’s even more difficult to put them in some sort of chronological order. For home owners, figuring out priorities concerning home renovation or improvement can be a major headache, and this sometimes (or rather frequently in many cases) means that projects that need to be taken care of just keep getting pushed back and back. There is one easy way to think about how to prioritize your renovation and improvement projects at home: get the big stuff over and done with first! That’s right: you shouldn’t waste time on little morsels when there’s a main course waiting for you to tend to.Why should home owners take care of the big projects first, and what exactly do we mean by big projects? To answer the second question first, by ‘big projects’ we’re talking about the projects that will require a greater budget, that will take a longer amount of time to complete, and which actually relate to a crucial and necessary improvement in the home-something functional, not something cosmetic! These projects are the kinds of home improvement projects that actually improve important systems, appliances, or structures within the home: examples would include eliminating humidity or mould problems in the attic or basement; replacing old and drafty window units throughout the home; or even just putting down a new coat of paint on the home’s exterior. As for the issue of tackling these projects first, there is a simple and valid reason for this-other tinier projects are going to have to work around these larger projects, and if you try to reverse this “natural order” to things you are going to find that the results are not much to your liking.Another reason for getting these big home improvement projects out of the way first is budgeting. It would be terrible to have wasted so much money on trivial, cosmetic improvement projects around your property that by the time you get around to tackling a crucial project, you no longer have any funds left! This is a mistake that many home owners commit, and sooner or later the pretty little improvements are tarnished by the larger issues that are still unattended. Having a sense of seasonal priorities can also be important when determining what project to tackle next at home, as what may be very important during the summer may not be so urgent any longer by the time winter rolls around (though there are projects that are highly effective year-round). So the next time the idea of home renovation comes to mind, don’t make the mistake of fooling around with little, insignificant projects; be brave and start planning the big projects that you’ve been putting off for so long!

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